Fallout 4 low texture mod
Fallout 4 low texture mod

fallout 4 low texture mod fallout 4 low texture mod

The game's basic textures are 2048x2048 for the ground, and 1024x1024 for plants, not to mention character and item textures. Rather than just setting the game's graphics to low, he's manually going through and modifying environmental textures one by one.Īccording to modder Torcher, Fallout 4's textures are massive, which is part of the reason why many gamers' systems struggle to handle the game. One modder is setting out to make it easier for PC gamers with low or medium-end computers to handle Fallout 4.

fallout 4 low texture mod

Depending on a PC gamer's rig, the game may be as smooth as butter, or it may struggle through frame rate drops and jarring visual lag. While Fallout 4 console gamers have been pleasantly surprised at the visuals and lack of frame rate drops in the game, PC gamers aren't always so lucky. A new Fallout 4 mod attempts to boost the frame rate for PC gamers using low or medium-end graphics cards and CPUs, lowering the game's system requirements.

Fallout 4 low texture mod